Want to find the best greens powder for you? Not sure if Field of Greens is what you're looking for, then check out our list of the best on the market in 2023.
Best Super Greens
Organic Greens Blend 4g
It's important to note that ingredients in proprietary blends must be listed from largest to smallest.
Organic Spinach Powder - Spinach is rich in fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which allow it to improve your vision and eye health, lower your blood pressure, boost your immune system and heart health, and reduce oxidative damage, stress, anxiety, and your risk of heart disease (1).
These health benefits are only seen when you take at least 1,000 mg of spinach powder per day though.
While being the first ingredient listed on a blend that weighs 4 grams does make it reasonably likely that this is in the correct dose, that's pretty much where the positives for this review are going to end for field of greens.
Organic Parsley Powder -
Parsley is full of antioxidants and nutrients which allow it to improve the health of your bones, eyes, heart, and immune system, combat bacteria, diseases, and viruses, and offer a range of other health benefits (2).
It's pretty reasonable that this ingredient is probably going to have some benefit, it's just a shame that parsleys benefits are negligable at best.
Organic Kale Powder - Kale is full of phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals, which allow it to lower your cholesterol level and risk of heart disease, provided you ingest at least 5 grams per day (3).
While the proprietary blend tries to hide how much kale is actually present, the fact that it is not the first ingredient listed in a serving size of 4 grams means Field Of Greens unfortunately cannot possibly contain enough to be of any use.
Organic Barley Grass Powder - Barley grass is full of useful nutrients and is known to improve the health of your heart, your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and your ability to lose weight (4). However, you need to consume at least 5 grams of barley grass powder for it to do anything at all.
While we don't know how much is actually present, that facts that it is not the first ingredient listed and the entire blend weighs just 4 grams means that there can't possibly be enough present in Field Of Greens to be of any use.
Organic Wheat Grass Powder - Wheat grass powder is growing in popularity, as it is said to be rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, while also having very few calories. This has led to the belief that it can be used to treat and prevent high cholesterol, inflammation, heart disease, and arthritis symptoms, without a risk of making you gain weight.
Unfortunately, none of the claims have yet been proven to be true. You therefore can't rely on the wheat grass powder in Field Of Greens to deliver any health benefits at all (5).
Organic Spirulina Powder - Spirulina is a type of blue green algae that is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
It can enhance your metabolic rate and body composition, help you control your appetite, promote weight loss, combat free radicals and oxidative damage, control blood sugar, inflammation, and blood pressure levels, and improve your heart health.
The issue is, a minimum of 8 grams of spirulina must be ingested each day to produce these effects (6).
As an entire serving of Field Of Greens weighs only 4 grams and spirulina is not the first ingredient listed, even the proprietary blend simply cannot hide the fact that there isn't enough present to be of any use.
Organic Chlorella Powder - Chlorella is a type of chlorophyte green algae that is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which help it boost your energy levels, without raising your blood glucose, reduce your cholesterol and overall blood glucose levels, treat some diseases and illnesses, detoxify your body, and enhance your overall health (7).
As no optimal dose of chlorella has yet been established, there is a chance that Field Of Greens contains enough to be of use. However, as it is buried at the bottom of a proprietary blend, it is still highly likely that so little is present that it will be able to do nothing at all.
Powdered Organic Fruits & Vegetables - The Organic Greens Blend also features a selection of fruits and vegetables in powder form. It contains green pepper, green apple, green banana, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.
Unfortunately, while fresh green apple and green banana are rich in things like vitamin c, and fresh broccoli, green peppers, and sweet potato are full of minerals, there is no evidence that they retain these qualities and nutrients when they are converted into a powder.
This not only means they are unlikely to be of much use in Field Of Greens, but it is also highly likely that they were only included in the first place to help bulk out the weight of the proprietary blend on the cheap.
Organic Prebiotic Fiber (Inulin)
Inulin is a soluble, prebiotic fiber that can improve your gut and digestive health and functions, as well as nutrient absorption. It can boost weight loss and energy levels, prevent fat storage, treat constipation, and reduce inflammation, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels (8).
The problem is, you will only enjoy these health benefits when ingesting a minimum of 10 grams per day.
With the serving size of Field Of Greens also being 10 grams, it is therefore impossible for enough inulin to be present to be of any use.
Organic Antioxidant Reds Blend 1.5g
Organic Beet Root Powder - Beet root is full of antioxidants, folate, nitrate, potassium, and vitamin c, which help it reduce inflammation, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, boost your eye, heart, and immune health, raise your stamina and energy, protect your blood, liver, and other internal organs, and help your body fight various diseases (9).
For these benefits to be enjoyed, you must consume a minimum of 1 gram of beet root per day.
This is the first instance where the Field Of Greens proprietary blend does its job, as it is actually possible for there to be enough beet root is present. And if we're going to give them the benefit of the doubt let's say that there's a reasonable chance that it is, and everything else is simply present in very small amounts.
Organic Berry Powders - The Organic Reds Blend also contains a range of berry powders, which includes strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, tart cherry, pomegranate, and cranberry.
Now, while most of these are known to be beneficial to your overall health when consumed as fresh fruits, none of them are believed to be of much use in powder form, with the exception of tart cherry, unless you consume them in ginormous quantities. This not only means that they are unlikely to be of much use in Field Of Greens, but it also explains why beet root was bundled into the Reds Blend.
The proprietary blend has allowed Brickhouse Nutrition to include a small dose of a beneficial ingredient to get in on the label, while surrounding it with far cheaper options to save money, regardless of how it effects the overall quality of the product.
Organic Metabolic Blend 1g
Organic Ginger Powder - Ginger is an antioxidant and anti inflammatory that can prevent and treat oxidative damage, joint pain, and high cholesterol, boost joint health and the immune system, and encourage healthy digestion. It can even raise the bioavailability of all the other ingredients, making them easier to absorb and more effective (10).
However, you will only enjoy any of these benefits if you consume a minimum of 1 gram of ginger powder per day. While being the first ingredient listed in the Metabolic Blend means it is possible a sufficient dosage is present, Field Of Greens hiding all of its dosages means there is simply no way to know for sure.
Organic Licorice Powder - There is evidence to suggest that licorice may aid digestion and the health of the digestive tract and support a healthy metabolism. However, as it also seems to reduce testosterone production and free testosterone levels while raising cortisol levels.
This means its presence in Field Of Greens is far more likely to have a negative effect on your health than a positive one (11).
Organic Turmeric Powder - Turmeric is a rich in a chemical called curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that neutralises free radicals, prevents oxidative stress and damage, and reduces inflammation.
Unfortunately, 500 mg a day of cucumin must be consumed to produce these effects and it only makes up about 12% of turmeric at best. Making Field of Greens inclusion of turmeric is essentially worthless (12).
Organic Green Tea Powder - Green tea extract contains caffeine, vitamin c, and an antioxidant catechin called EGCG. It can promote a healthy metabolism, aid weight loss, make you more energetic, lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels, improve brain and heart functions, relieve stress, and help treat certain illnesses (13).
While the 800 mg of green tea required to be of use may be present in Field Of Greens, It being the smallest ingredient in the blend means this is not possible. Although, given what we have seen so far, it seems likely that it has been hidden because there is not enough green tea present to do anything.
There's an OK amount of probiotics in here, nothing to write home about, less than a standard pill, less than most greeens powders, but better than nothing.
Bacillus coagulans is fine, but not the best option for a greens powder either.