Super Joint Support Review

Is Super Joint Support Any Good?

Super Joint Support is not all that super. It does offer some benefits but it misses some of the best ingredients for joints.

Created by LivingWell Nutraceuticals, Super Joint Support is supposed to be their strongest, most potent joint support supplement. Super Joint Support does contain some good ingredients for joints, particularly the vitamin D, collagen, glucosamine, and MSM, but it also contains a few that have not been sufficiently scientifically linked to joint benefits and improvements, like magnesium. In addition, it contains sodium and alpha lipoic acid that are not in any way related to alleviating joint-related illnesses or supporting overall joint health and seem to us odd choices for a joint supplement. The extremely high dose of vitamin B12 is a bit excessive and the willow bark extract, which is basically just aspirin, will alleviate pain but won’t actually improve joint health. What’s more, taking willow bark can be risky for anyone taking blood thinners.

We were also surprised by the omission of certain ingredients that have a well- documented impact on joint health. In particular, the lack of omega-3 fatty acids is unexpected and a major downside to this supplement. It also misses other potent ingredients like curcumin, ginger, and resveratrol. Considering that LivingWell Super Joint Support is one of the most expensive joint supplements available, and considering too that it markets itself as the best and most powerful joint supporting supplement available, it falls short in many respects. While it will provide some benefits, it in no way lives up to its claims. For a seriously potent joint supplement, we recommend trying FlexAgain, which includes all the active ingredients found in LivingWell Super Joint Support plus the beneficial ingredients we mentioned above.

Get FlexAgain Instead

Super Joint Support Customer Reviews

Verified reviews of LivingWell Super Joint Support report some pain relief thanks to taking this supplement. This could be due to the effectiveness of some of the ingredients or it could be the result of the willow bark extract, which is basically just a painkiller. If it is thanks to the willow bark, then Super Joint Support is one seriously expensive painkiller, but to be fair, it is probably a combination of the active ingredients and the painkilling effects.

Other reviews found the supplement did little for them. Reporting no difference in pain, mobility, or aches. One reviewer noted that it works but only by taking a lot of it, which again, makes this a very expensive supplement since it’s already $69 a bottle. For that price, you really want something that works at the recommended

The Best Joint Supplements

Looking for a better alternative to Super Joint Support, We Rank The Best Joint Supplements On The Market Today!

Super Joint Support Ingredients

Here is the full list of active ingredients in Super Joint Support, listed in order of appearance on the Supplements Facts sheet provided by the manufacturer.

Vitamin D (23.8mcg) - Being deficient in vitamin D can cause all sorts of health issues and it can worsen joint pain. The dose in Super Joint Support is over the recommended daily intake (RDI), so unless you require an especially high dose you probably won’t need to take stand-alone vitamin D supplements as well.

Vitamin B12 (250mcg) - At 10,417% of the RDI, this dose of vitamin B12 seems ridiculously high. B vitamins, including B12, are thought to improve joint mobility but there is no evidence we are aware of that would advise taking a dose this high. If you are deficient in vitamin B12 then perhaps this dose would be warranted, but ordinarily a dose of around 1000mcg is recommended to resolve deficiencies.

Magnesium (400mg) - Magnesium could improve joint cartilage and has been suggested as a potential preventer of knee osteoarthritis. However, evidence is lacking to support these claims at present.

Sodium (10mg) - Sodium is the basic compound of salt, which is in no way associated with joint support, improvement, or illness prevention.

Potassium (125mg) - Potassium deficiency is known to cause muscle cramps as potassium is involved in muscle contractions, communication, and overall function. Ensuring you are not deficient in potassium will keep your muscles operating smoothly and this will reduce the stress and strain on joints. However, 125mg of potassium is quite a small amount and most people will get far more potassium from eating a normal diet.

Glucosamine (1000mg) - Glucosamine is a compound found in cartilage—the tissue surrounding all your joints. It can also be derived from shellfish or made in a laboratory. There is more than one type of glucosamine, including glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride, and n-acetyl glucosamine. Each type is thought to have slightly different properties. The type included in Super Joint Support is glucosamine sulfate. This type has been linked to joint support though it is thought to work best when taken together with chondroitin.

Marine Magnesium (1000mg) - This is a proprietary blend of minerals. It could be useful but we don’t really know since we don’t know exactly what is in it or the doses. Here at Centre TRT, we’re not fans of proprietary blends. We want to know exactly what is in our supplements. Since they told us everything else that’s in their joint supplement, we feel it was unnecessary for Super Joint Support to include a proprietary blend, even if it is for only a small portion of the overall ingredients.

Collagen Type II (500mg) - An anti-inflammatory, collagen is found naturally in joints and studies show that orally consuming collagen can support healthy joints and alleviate symptoms of joint pain. This is a decent ingredient for a joint supplement.

MSM (250mg) - Methylsulfonylmethane, known commonly as MSM, is thought to reduce symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (OA). More evidence is needed to confirm the early findings, but so far MSM seems to have great potential as a joint supplement.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (150mg) - We’re not sure why this is included. While it does have anti-inflammatory properties, there is no evidence that it works on joints. Simply because something is anti-inflammatory does not, unfortunately, mean it will work on all kinds of inflammation in the body. If only it were so simple. There are no studies linking alpha lipoic acid to the alleviation of joint-related pains and illnesses.

White Willow Bark Extract (125mg) - This is basically aspirin. It will reduce pain, because that’s what painkillers do, but it won’t benefit your joints nor remedy underlining issues. This could also be a risk for anyone on blood thinners.

Vitamin K2 (45mcg) - Vitamin K2 can prevent OA, according to several studies. It’s unusual to find this in a joint supplement. The only other occasion we know of is FlexAgain, which is probably the best joint supplement currently available.  

Super Joint Support Review: Conclusion

LivingWell Super Joint Support is far from the worst joint supplement available but neither is it the best.

It contains some good ingredients, such as glucosamine, collagen, and MSM, at reasonable doses. But it also contains things like alpha lipoic acid and sodium that aren’t known to be beneficial to joint health. It also contains a rather high dose of vitamin B12 and an aspirin alternative that could be dangerous for anyone on blood thinners.

LivingWell Super Joint Support also misses some great joint supplement ingredients: omega-3s, ginger, and turmeric (curcumin), among others.

For the price, we would expect a better, more effective formula. Thankfully, there are better products available and we’ve listed them on our Best Joint Supplements list.  

Best Joint Supplements
Criteria Rating
Ingredients 6/10
Pain Relief 7/10
Joint Health 4/10
Swelling 4/10
Value 6/10
Recommended 6/10